In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #19 learn about the buffalo used in Canine Caviar alkaline based holistic pet food. Doreen Wong: Welcome to Canine Caviar Google Hangout number 19, today we are answering your questions from Facebook. Today’s question is why Canine Caviar uses buffalo. So welcome Lynn and Jeff, thanks for joining us today.… Continue reading Canine Caviar Google Hangout 19: Why Does Canine Caviar Use Buffalo?
Tag: holistic
Canine Caviar Hangout #18: What is the best way to store Canine Caviar
In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #18 learn about how to store Canine Caviar alkaline based holistic pet food. Doreen Wong: Welcome everyone to Canine Caviar Google Hangout #18, and we are answering your questions on Facebook, you ask them, we ask Jeff and he responds to them directly. We have one of our Facebook Furr… Continue reading Canine Caviar Hangout #18: What is the best way to store Canine Caviar
Canine Caviar Google Hangout #16: Who is Jeff Baker
In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #16 Canine Caviar get to know President Jeff Baker and what life is like as the founder of Canine Caviar alkaline pet food. Doreen Wong: Welcome everyone to Canine Caviar Google Hangout 16. One of the questions that we had posted from one of our pet parents is “who is… Continue reading Canine Caviar Google Hangout #16: Who is Jeff Baker
Google Hangout 17: Where Can I Find Canine Caviar?
In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #17 learn why you will not find Canine Caviar alkaline based holistic dog food in big name retailers and how you can find a store near you. Doreen Wong: We’re going to talk about 2 topics: 1, why can’t our Furr parents find Canine Caviar in a big name retailer store… Continue reading Google Hangout 17: Where Can I Find Canine Caviar?
Canine Caviar Google Hangout #12 – Cost Evaluation
In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #12 learn about a cost evaluation of Canine Caviar’s alkaline based organic pet food and why Canine Caviar is as affordable, sometimes even more affordable, as other brands. Canine Caviar believes in a holistic approach to pet nutrition and is an alkaline based diet for dogs. Doreen Wong: Hey everyone,… Continue reading Canine Caviar Google Hangout #12 – Cost Evaluation
Roxy Steals the Spotlight: Part 2 of The Story of Damien Puckler and His Dog Roxy
By Lynn Stacy-Smith Now that Roxy is nine years old she and Damien take two big walks a day, either around their neighborhood or to Lake Balboa, “She has people who stop and give her treats, she stops and gets to know the people,” Damien says. Although she is still active and fun loving she… Continue reading Roxy Steals the Spotlight: Part 2 of The Story of Damien Puckler and His Dog Roxy
Featured Dogs: Cooper & Pie
It is very hard not to smile when looking at the foxy head of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and Cooper and Pie definitely create smiles wherever they go. Originally from Pembrokeshire, Wales, the Corgi was originally bred to herd sheep and cattle by nipping at their heels. Their short legs helped keep them out of… Continue reading Featured Dogs: Cooper & Pie
Infographic: Canine Caviar & the Glycemic Index
Dogs are impacted by carbohydrates similarly to humans; their bodies break them down into sugars which are absorbed into the bloodstream, and then insulin created by the pancreas helps the body use that sugar as energy to power their body. Just like humans, carbohydrates high on the Glycemic Index cause their blood sugar to… Continue reading Infographic: Canine Caviar & the Glycemic Index
Canine Caviar at the EcoLuxe Lounge
By Lynn Stacy-Smith Canine Caviar pet foods was honored to attend the EcoLuxe Lounge on Sunday, August 24. Described as a “premiere socially conscious luxury event” the EcoLuxe Lounge was both a fundraiser for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles and a celebration of the nominees and attendees of both the 66th Annual… Continue reading Canine Caviar at the EcoLuxe Lounge
Canine Caviar Hangout #11 – Grievance Counseling (Loss of a Pet)
In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #11 Canine Caviar, the manufacturers of holistic, organic pet food Canine Caviar, the only alkaline diet for pets in the United States, host Natasha Jackson, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist. Doreen Wong: Hey everyone we are here with Canine Caviar Hangout 11, we are actually going to be talking about grief… Continue reading Canine Caviar Hangout #11 – Grievance Counseling (Loss of a Pet)