In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #18 learn about how to store Canine Caviar alkaline based holistic pet food. Doreen Wong: Welcome everyone to Canine Caviar Google Hangout #18, and we are answering your questions on Facebook, you ask them, we ask Jeff and he responds to them directly. We have one of our Facebook Furr… Continue reading Canine Caviar Hangout #18: What is the best way to store Canine Caviar
Tag: Wiener Dog Nationals
Wiener Dog Internationals: Live on the Set
By Lynn Stacy-Smith The anticipated sequel to the Wiener Dog Nationals movie is under way and currently being filmed in California. Canine Caviar connected with the human and wiener dog stars of the first film so much that we jumped at the chance to sponsor the sequel, Wiener Dog Internationals, especially after several of the… Continue reading Wiener Dog Internationals: Live on the Set
Canine Caviar 2013: The Year in Review
By Lynn Stacy-Smith As we look ahead to 2014 we cannot help but look back on all of the exciting events of 2013, the new friends we made along the way, new products and a record number of new Canine Caviar and Feline Caviar customers whose pet-parents made the decision to switch them to what… Continue reading Canine Caviar 2013: The Year in Review
Aloha PAWmehana Red Carpet Event, Posh Pooch, Inc.
By Lynn Stacy-Smith Huntington Beach was the scene of the Aloha PAWmehana Red Carpet Event on Saturday August 24, 2013, bringing celebrities, pet owners and their dogs to join the fight against canine cancer. The driving forces behind the event, Dawn Barraco of Canine Caviar, Inc. and Melesssa Austin of Posh Pooch, Inc. combined efforts… Continue reading Aloha PAWmehana Red Carpet Event, Posh Pooch, Inc.
The Wiener Dog Nationals
By Lynn Stacy-Smith Canine Caviar is attending the Red Carpet Movie Premiere in Los Angeles Tuesday.. VIP tickets are available. Your ticket includes admission to the film, vip after party as well as a gift bag (valued at over $500!) meet and greet with the stars and more! Canine Caviar has provided six VIP sized boxes… Continue reading The Wiener Dog Nationals