In Canine Caviar Google Hangout #19 learn about the buffalo used in Canine Caviar alkaline based holistic pet food. Doreen Wong: Welcome to Canine Caviar Google Hangout number 19, today we are answering your questions from Facebook. Today’s question is why Canine Caviar uses buffalo. So welcome Lynn and Jeff, thanks for joining us today.… Continue reading Canine Caviar Google Hangout 19: Why Does Canine Caviar Use Buffalo?
Tag: free range buffalo
Source of Canine Caviar Buffalo Meat
By Lynn Stacy-Smith Recently a customer asked us where we obtain the buffalo meat for our buffalo bully sticks and other natural dog treats. The buffalo meat that we use in our food and treats are free range buffalo from India. Indian buffalo are a type of water buffalo, not the American bison that most… Continue reading Source of Canine Caviar Buffalo Meat