With the arrival of spring, we can expect the following days to get warmer and warmer. With the rise of the heat heading into summer, that means we’re going have to keep ourselves cool. Dogs are also looking for ways to keep cool. That may mean laying in the shade or jumping into the pool but there is a nice refreshing way for you to help. Dogs always appreciate a nice refreshing snack to eat. That means a nice array of veggies and fruits to hydrate your bud and get their energy levels up. The question is what are some veggies and fruits safe for dogs to eat?
Canine Caviar has a list of 10 vegetables and fruits safe for dogs to eat and enjoy. Each entry has their own benefits and is sure to keep your dog’s day cool and refreshing. Of course keep snacks in moderation and use them with purpose.
First on our list of veggies and fruits safe for dogs are blueberries. Blueberries are a super food because of all the many benefits they provide dogs. What makes these fruits safe for dogs and delicious to eat? Well for one, they are low calorie snacks that are rich in fiber. The fiber cleans the digestive system and removes unneeded junk. Blueberries are also rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants have been shown to help reduce the aging of the brain which is great for older dogs. You’ll also have less hassle to prepare blueberries too since they’re bite sized.
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels Sprouts are filled to the brim with different vitamins. They’re loaded with vitamin A, B1, B6, C and K. Vitamin K is especially important. Vitamin K helps build strong bones and keeps the heart nice and healthy. The antioxidants of Brussels sprouts maintain good blood circulation by protecting against clots. To top it off, there are compounds that fight off free radicals which can cause damage to dogs’ bodies. Don’t feed too many though. Brussels sprouts cause major gas problems which doesn’t make the fresh spring air easy to breath in. When dogs eat too many, they will get upset stomach or diarrhea. Keep Brussels sprouts moderate; your dog and nose will thank you.
Carrots are another great vegetable safe for dogs to eat and enjoy. They serve as a delicious low calorie snack. That’s great if your dog is looking to slim down a bit. They’re a good source of vitamin A, Potassium, and fiber. Potassium is good for supporting bone density and leveling pH levels (something we’re always advocating for strongly). Carrots also work as efficient and cheap dental chews. Carrots will help clean the teeth and improve their oral health. When you prepare carrots, make sure you wash them thoroughly to remove any pesticides. It’s also a good idea to shave the outside and cut the carrot into bite size pieces your dog can enjoy.
Celery is great because like carrots they are a low calorie snack and are also low in cholesterol. They contain vitamin C, A, and K as well as manganese. Manganese helps cartilage and mitochondria within your dog’s cells. Another great thing about celery is that they work as a natural breath mint. If you have a dog with regular stinky breath, celery might save you from the bad smells. You do have to be careful with celery though because it can be a choking hazard. Just like with carrots, cut them into bite sized pieces so dogs can enjoy them hazard free.
Cucumbers are great vegetables safe for dogs anytime of the year. They have little in terms of carbs and calories so they’re great for weight loss. Cucumbers are 96% water which means they are great for hydration especially with the warmer seasons headed our way. They are filled with vitamins K, C and B1. They are also a good source of potassium, magnesium, and copper. Magnesium is necessary for maintaining energy levels. They help the production of energy in cells which means cucumber can serve as an energy booster.
Mangoes are great fruits safe for dogs. Not only are these fruits delicious, but they contain some good vitamins. Mangoes are rich in vitamins A, B6, C and E. Vitamin E is an important component for a dog’s muscles, and circulatory system. Another great thing is that vitamin E helps with healing through injuries. Mangoes are also rich in beta carotene. Beta carotene is necessary to help fight off disease and infection. You will need to prepare mangoes before you give them to your dog. You should remove the skin and pit of the mango. The skin can be hard to digest and the pit contains small doses of cyanide which is bad for dogs. Slice the mango into pieces to prevent choking. Doing so will help keep these fruits safe for dogs.
Other fruits safe for dogs are pears. Pears are awesome because they’re high in vitamins C, K, fiber and copper. Copper is essential in building connective tissues and collagen. Collagen, myelin, connective tissues and bones work together to protect nervous system of your dog. Just like with mangoes, you will have to prepare pears a little. Make sure to remove the seeds and pit as they too contain doses of cyanide. Canned pears are also not good. They contain a lot of added sugar which isn’t good for dogs. Keeping fruits safe for dogs requires a little thinking but when you do, it becomes a piece of cake.
Green Peas (including the pod) are another nice veggie safe for your dog. Peas are seen as one of the healthiest snacks your dog can eat. They hold vitamin A, K, B as well as potassium and magnesium. They are also a great source of iron and zinc. Iron is necessary for the healthy formation of red blood cells which decreases health risks such as anemia. A word of warning though; do not feed your dog peas if it has a history of kidney problems. Peas can cause the formation of kidney stones and other kidney related problems. Otherwise, they are a great treat safe for dogs to enjoy.
If we look at other fruits safe for dogs, you’ll be surprised pineapple is a good choice. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which makes it easier for dogs to absorb the necessary proteins they need. Pineapples are nutrient dense snacks packed with a number of vitamins and minerals. Pineapple contains vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin as well as copper, potassium, and magnesium. As long as you prepare pineapple properly, they will stay as great fruits safe for dogs. That means removing the rough skin and the hard core. Make sure to monitor your dog for any negative health signs as well.
The last of the fruits safe for dogs to consume are watermelons as long as they’re prepared correctly. The seeds and rind can cause gastrointestinal distress. That’s why you should make sure to remove any seeds and to only feed the red flesh. This low calorie snack holds vitamins, A, C, and B6. Vitamin B6 is very crucial to a dog’s health. For one, it helps regulate your dog’s weight and balance its hormones. It’s also important because B6 stabilizes blood sugar levels preventing diabetes to form. Watermelon is great because just like cucumbers, they’re mostly water. Watermelon is 92% water so it makes a good snack for hydration.
Final Thoughts
Treating our furry friends with a tasty surprise is a great way to make their day. We do have to be sure we’re feeding vegetables and fruits safe for dogs. I encourage you to research the fruits and veggies we went over in this post. There are also more vegetables and fruits safe for dogs to eat and enjoy. From oranges to strawberries and broccoli, there are plenty of snacks you can try and see how your dog reacts. Make sure to do your due diligence in researching so you can treat your best friend properly.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. Check out the Canine Caviar blog for more great articles. Find out the danger of free feeding and learn about flash cooking.