In addition to our responsibly sourced proteins and grains, Canine Caviar alkaline based dog food includes specially selected botanicals to promote healthy tissues and organs in your pet. Most of these botanicals are multi-functional and benefit different parts of healthy pets’ bodies. To read more about these ingredients click on the name of the ingredient to navigate to the Glossary of the Canine Caviar website.
Fenugreek is part of the pea family and aids in digestion and allergy symptom relief by helping with skin and coat problems.
Garlic aids in digestion through a reduction in gastrointestinal upsets. It also improves circulation, helps allergies by reducing inflammation, and strengthens the heart.
Kelp is a variety of seaweed that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It aids in digestion and promotes healthy skin and coat.
Papaya is a tropical fruit that enables the digestion of protein.
Parsley aids in digestion, supports circulation and aids in digestion and pleasant breath.
Peppermint eases gas and bloating to improve digestion, helps control flatulence, diarrhea, colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It also improves circulation by oxygenating the bloodstream and also improves breath.
Rose Hips is high in Vitamin C and strengthens body tissues and improves circulation.
Sun-Cured Alfalfa helps improve breath, aids in healing allergies and improves circulation.
Yucca Root aids in digestion, reduces breath odor, helps allergies through reduced inflammation and improves circulation.
Taurine is an amino acid that contributes to healthy hearts. For more information on the benefits of adding Taurine to our holistic pet food check out this blog written by one of our customers and fans of Canine Caviar: Cardiomyopathy and the Benefit of Adding Taurine to a Dogs Diet.